Monday, November 16, 2009


Mr. Stefon school called. So I put on my Superwoman cape scooped him up and used my special powers to get an appt with his doctor. Now my only problem is getting him seen in the next couple hours. Lawd. I did not bring any knitting or a book to read. I am in impatient hell with sick people. I try and avoid dr offices and hospitals like the plague this time of year because you might walk in with nothing but might leave out with something. Well at least I can smile at the cute babies.........until I hear them crying from the back.


Anonymous said...

I'm hanging out with the geek squad @ best buy waiting to see if they can fix my pc. Wish I was home. Or somewhere.

Knitaholictoo said...

Ugghh! I hate going somewhere unprepared (without knitting or something to read)! I'm feelin' ya!

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

I'd be kicking myself if I hadn't brought something along also.

KnitFloozy said...

Always have a small project in the cute bag! LOL I learned the hard way!