Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Guess who got hitched.....

Okay, it's me!!! Friday, me and my boyfriend of 15 years decided to make it legal. We already feel like we are man and wife. Hell, we have the kids, house and car. And we still act like lovebirds. Anyway, I was content with being the girlfriend and he was not. We experience a lot of death the past couple of weeks and we realized that if something happened his family or mines could step in (anna nicole) and demand that I want this or that and we didn't want that. So, I am now a married woman.

Knitting - I am starting to wind some Claudia Handpainted sockyarn, picks to come later.

Chow for now.


AJ said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! Oh I'm so happy for you! How did everything go!? Gimme the scoop woman!

KnitFloozy said...

Congratulations! I just came across your site yesterday and I tell you I am thoroughly enjoying myself. I will have to step up my game on my blog!

Erica Bunker said...

Congrats on the nuptials!