Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Birthday Eve

Well, well. I am getting older folks and I am not kicking and screaming today. I am actually looking forward to it, because let me tell you. Birthday 29 - 30 was pure drama. I was depressed like hell. And then all of a sudden I started looking forward to bday 31 (everyone was happy).

So, today is my daddys bday and his brother (my grandparents must have LUV that day - ugh, sick, don't want to think about that any more).

Any who today is the last day I will be 33 and tomorrow I will be brining in 34. Oh and I will post my 34 year old revolution. Here is last years goals for 33 that I posted or you can see the entire post here:

Okay, so what are my goals for 33

  • Get into somebodys damn Master Program, this was on the list last year and as you can see I did not complete it.
  • Do a new resume, everyone needs an updated one.
  • Date my kids more - especially my daughter (13 and is starting to develop - need I say more) and the 8 year old - my 17 year old and I are already close.
  • For the husband keep everything as is, we have a wonderful relationship, so I don't want to change anything there, he respects me and I respect him. So keep doing whatever I have been doing.
  • Exercise more and I am going to set a goal of losing 30 lbs.
  • Drive more. I AM GOING TO DRIVE TODAY (we will see)
  • Continue to save money and try to stick to a budget.
  • More me time (please)
  • Travel more
  • Swim more
  • Read classics, expand my reading. I already read a lot, but I would like to go back and read some of the classics.
  • Expand knitting technique (double knitting, dying, steeking, etc...)
  • Learn to crochet.

Okay enough already, let me get started on this damn list.

Oh and let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD!!! His birthday was yesterday. He told me when I was little that I was his present. Please!! We will go there another day with my father.

1 comment:

Still Patrice said...

Happy EARLY Birthday!!
I think you have a GREAT list. Enjoyr your day tomorrow :)