Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I wonder.......

I am home the rest of the week to write my paper and presentation, but I just can't do it. I wonder what will happen on Maury today.....I hope paternity tests or lie detectors...something.

I guess I should turn the t.v. off. That might just work.

Or maybe turn off the internet. I have been gchating all morning with numerous folks.

Oh I forgot to tell you the mid-term grades. Two b's ain't that some shit 84 & 89. I have gone to grad school and became average. Dayhum. I wonder if it has to do with my wondering mind....

Well Mr. Conservative gets off at 1:30 and he should arrive here at 2, and the kids will still be in school.....I wonder what time College boy arrives to the house.....we could probably.....

I haven't eating anything, maybe I can make me something extra special, shit I should have went to Shitbucks, I wonder if someone can bring me something home.........

I wonder whats on Ravelry....... Maybe I will knit a couple rows of some of projects so it can make me "think". I wonder if that will work? I wonder......

Well I guess I get back to my 1 sentence paper. That's all I have done. I have class tonight, but don't feel like going. I wonder if I can use doing my paper for another class even though its not due until Monday as an excuse not to go tonight. I wonder.........


Christie said...

Get something to eat, work on your paper and reward yourself with a little bit of Mr. Conservative when he gets home.

Sheila said...

I agree with Christie, grab a bite to eat and then do a lil somthin' somthin' on your