Friday, May 08, 2009

Mr. Conservative is the bomb and my momma

Did I ever tell you all how much I love Mr. Conservative? Well, I do.

He knows when I need a pick me up. Yesterday, he sent me a text in the morning that worked my nerves, so it was awesome when he picked me up after work (its so nice to have older kids). We went to this new bar we saw vearlier in the week and then we went to a new sushi bar Asian Spice. The sushi was not all that but they had my favorite beer which is hard to locate sometimes. The best part is when he said, he missed spending OUR time together minus the kids. Yes, dang it he said minus the kids. Don't judge us, yes we are parents, but hell parents need love too.

Dang its hard typing on this phone. I don't think I will do this too often, but I have no choice because I am in the Er with my mother. If it ain't one thing its another.

Happy Mommy Day to all you mothers and preggers soon to be mommies. Also. A big ups to women who have been mentors to kids that may not have been yours. You never know what it means to a kid. I love all my mentors. I have had many ladies in my life that has shaped Urb.

Ma Dukes - work ethic, strength, control freak and how to be a mother.
Butterfly - my love of reading (I know why the cage bird sings), class (how to curse people out professionally)
Godmother nyc - travelling and a new world
Great aunt - introduced me to HIM
There has been many women in my life but these are the ones who had front row tickets to the URBAN reality show and when they work my nerves and when I work theirs I kindly let them know they created this monster.

Excuse all mistakes this phone is a monster. It has taken me so long to type that my mother is now in a room.


Christie said...

What are you doing in the ER? Is everything OK? Who could hate either one of you for wanting time to reconnect w/o the kids? I think it's awesome that you two want to spend time together!

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Amanda said...

Girl I love mine and hubby's time away from the kids! It is necessary! My oldest asked what I wanted for Mother's day and I told her, "the day to myself!"

Happy Mother's Day to you (hope your Momma is ok).